Jade Le Grice (Ngai Tupoto - Te Rarawa; Ngati Korokoro, Te Pouka, Ngati Wharara, Te Mahurehure - Ngāpuhi) is a Lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland. Her research focuses on decolonising praxis - deconstructing dominant cultural norms and legitimating mātauranga Māori in knowledge, health, and education systems. Currently, Jade is particularly interested in Māori sexual and reproductive health, sexual violence prevention, and rangatahi wellbeing in whānau contexts. Underpinning her research is a strong focus on kaupapa Māori, mana wahine, and critical psychology approaches. Jade is involved in research communities as a member of the University of Auckland’s Critical Theory network, Gender Studies network, Māori and Pacific Psychology Research Group, Psychology and Social Issues Group; and the Māori Association of Social Sciences. She is a co-chair of the Māori and Pacific Psychology Committee, The University of Auckland, and a member of the National Standing Committee of Bicultural Issues, The New Zealand Psychological Society.