MAI Journal 2024 Volume 13 Issue 1

Publication Date
June 2024

The first 2024 issue for MAI Journal, Volume 13, Issue 1 contains 12 articles of different subjects and 1 Commentary.  This reflects the multi-disciplinary approach for NPM research in Aotearoa.  From Traditional Knowledges to a Framework for Vision Matauranga and Safer travel options for tamariki to Reinvigorating homeplaces for our whanau and communities, we see the different areas of research undertaken by our researchers and authors in this issue for 2024.

MAI Journal 2023 Volume 12 Issue 2

Publication Date
September 2023

This issue of MAI Journal, Volume 12, Issue 2 contains 14 articles across a range of research areas that are representative of the breadth and vitality of Indigenous research in Aotearoa New Zealand. This issue reflects the multidisciplinary nature of MAI Journal articles, covering Post Settlement Governance Entities (PSGE), Transformation through Education, One Health Approach, Māori Women’s Knowledge, Learning Environments, Pacific Peoples Housing Crisis, Understanding the Environment and more.

MAI Journal 2023 Volume 12 Issue 1: Te Koronga Special

Publication Date
June 2023

Tēnei Tātou Te Koronga Māori Research Excellence, Tēnei au te koronga He hiringa nōu e Ruatau ki ēnei tauira, ki ēnei pia, Tō ake nei au i te tatau o taku whare Ko Te Rangikaupapa, tatau o Tāwhirirangi, i te pūmotomoto o te kauwhanga o te Toi o ngā rangi E Pawa, tutakina i tauru nui, i tauru atamai o wharekura, Kapikapi tō aro, kapi te ngātata, te ngātoro, te piere, te tatau o tēnei whare E tū iho nei, Nā tō aro, nā tō pia E Rehua, mā Ruatau e.

MAI Journal 2021: Volume 10 Issue 2

Publication Date
December 2021

This issue of MAI Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2 (2021), contains 12 articles and two situation reports across a range of research areas that are representative of the breadth and vitality of Indigenous research in Aotearoa. This issue reflects the multidisciplinary nature of MAI Journal articles, covering racism, gender and well-being across education, health, history, entrepreneurship and psychology, with a strong focus on kaupapa Māori theory and methodological principles.

MAI Journal 2021: Volume 10 Issue 1

Publication Date
June 2021

This issue of MAI Journal, Volume 10, Issue 1 (2021) contains eight papers covering a diverse range of research areas. This issue reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of MAI Journal beginning with two articles covering Kaupapa Māori early years provision, four situation reports on the COVID-19 pandemic, then an article on identity in academia in Aotearoa New Zealand, closing with a final article envisioning a Kaupapa Māori citational practice.

MAI Journal 2020: Volume 9 Issue 4 - Covid-19 Issue

Publication Date
July 2020

In this special Covid-19 Situation Reports Issue, the lead report by Fiona Cram, MAHI AROHA: Aroha ki te tangata, he tāngata explores the impact of Covid-19 lockdown in New Zealand on “bubbles” and the response of Māori leaders to offset increased vulnerability due to confinement, financial hardship, and issues of crowding or isolation.  The report highlights the contribution of mahi aroha by Māori during lockdown and argues that access to qu