Peer mentoring
What is peer mentoring and are there any benefits of peer mentoring for Maori and Indigenous academics?
What is peer mentoring and are there any benefits of peer mentoring for Maori and Indigenous academics?
I understand that recently there was a special course run on aspects of Māori leadership. I know that there is a lot of material on leadership in general but would like to know if we are developing more specific models for the Māori and Indigenous world. Are you able to overview the topics that were covered; and suggest how we might use them in practical situations?
The most successful academics are those who write and publish prolifically. Few, however, find the writing process easy. In fact, the best academic writers – those rare colleagues who have mastered the art of explaining complex concepts in clear, engaging prose – are often the ones who labour hardest over every sentence. But how do they find the time? This article offers ten useful tips guaranteed to help you become a more productive and prolific writer.
Where do I start looking for Pacific Island resources and information about Pacific research models and methodologies?
What resources and strategies are available to teachers and students of Pacific literature?
How can I structure my thesis to retain its complexity but at the same time make it accessible to a reader?
I’ve heard about the Creative Commons licences. How are they applied in an academic setting and what is their relationship to traditional copyright and indigenous rights?
Patai: What might academic development look like in a Māori context?
I’m in my first year of doing my doctorate and I think I’d like an academic career. My undergraduate grades were not that great but my research work is going well. Is an academic job likely to be possible? What suggestions do you have for getting to this goal?
How do I write an engaging title for my academic article or thesis?